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"Stream Catcher" mode let's you grab video, swf and mp3 files while you are browsing the web using any internet browser like Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, etc; aTube Catcher uses two modes to record those files, the first one, and the recommended is using WinpCap, you only need to have installed the latest version of WinpCap; if aTube Catcher doesn't detects WinpCap or the interface is not supported this library aTube will use winsock library instead. We recommend that you have installed the latest version of winpcap (http://www.winpcap.org) because it's more reliable and has a bigger buffer. One of the best things about use this two modes, is that aTube Catcher doesn't need to install any WebBrowser plugins, like other software does.
This feature is very useful to record videos from any web site, if the site is not listed in the Supported sites list or if it's a broken site, with Stream Catcher mode you can get the video.
At this time only HTTP protocol is supported but I will add RTMP, MMS, RTSP, and more, progressively in future releases. It's possible to grab any kind of content (including images), please feel free to make any suggestions or comments.
While the files are being downloaded or even if they have been completely downloaded, you can right click over the items and choose trans code into another format; you can do that many times as you want to get your videos in plenty of formats without have to remove and add it again.
To use this feature you only click "Start to Record", and start to browse the internet with any web browser. If the files are already cached by your webbrowser, you only need to clear your internet browsers cache and reload the web page to catch the content that you want to get.
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